The Baltimore bridge collapse and how it's prophetic to the end times that are well upon us

 Just wanted to quickly point out here the ritual that unfolded today with the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse 

Now there’s a lot I could mention here but others have already decoded the event, I however want to share something I haven’t seen anyone else notice yet.

To start off though, one number central to this ritual is 84. 

United States of America = 84

The Year of the Dragon = 84

The Catholic Church = 84

The Jesuit Order = 84

Jesuit = 84

It's also Nancy Pelosi's 84th birthday, who is from Baltimore.

Nancy Pelosi is a Catholic, and of course think about the name FRANCIS Scott Key. 

Pope Francis is the First Jesuit pope. And the Jesuits were established in France. 

This ritual was 266 days before the pope's birthday

Iesus Hominum Salvator = 266

The Holy Roman Empire = 266

Francis is the 266th pope and visited the US on the 266th day of the year

But the main thing to look at here is the 84. This is because this event was foreshowed by the movie Leave the World Behind which was produced by the Obamas and released in October of last year.

Now, in the very beginning of the film, they show the sun being covered up, or "eclipsed" multiple times.

The plot of the movie then follows with a fallout situation where there is a national power and cellular outage, causing an every man for himself scenario. They said the boat crashed into the Francis bridge because of a power outage.

This is one of countless examples of predictive programming for a national outage. The Jesuit Janet Napolitano of the Department of Homeland Security, for example said that the next 9/11 would be the national power grid going down several years back. 

The video game "Fallout" comes out this year on April 12th, just 4 days after the Eclipse

Fallout, unsurprisingly, is about a post nuclear apocalyptical world. 

I don't think the Eclipse part is a coincidence, especially when you look at the dates.

Going back to the 84s, recall how the Eclipse is on April 8th, 8/4. 

The other 8/4 date is August 4th, which just so happens to be the birthday of Obama, the film producer. 

In light of it being the next 9/11, notice how the 8/4 dates are a span of 119 days apart.

If you've seen my last couple posts you'll know that Donald Trump has a million connections with the number 119. I personally can't see the possibility of him not being re-selected. This only furthers my suspicion. Also recall how Osama Bid Laden was taken out 119 weeks after Obama took office. 

It's not the only symbolism in the movie though. They also flash the upside-down 666 towards the end.

Keep in mind that the last two Great American eclipses are separated by 6 years 6 months 6 weeks and 6 days from each-other including the end date. 

In Genesis 6:6 God regrets creating man on the 6th day. 

Both Trump and Obama have many relations to 666. Obama for example is born on the 216th day of the year, when 6x6x6 = 216. 

Trump announced he was running for the 60th election 666 days after his last full day as president. Inauguration day 2025 is 666 months after the moon landing. In addition, Trump is from New York, and he was born on a Lunar Eclipse. 

New York = 666 (Sumerian)

Anti Christ = 149 and 68

Obamas birthday leaves 149 days left in the year, and Donald Trump = 68

Six Sixty Six = 201

Number of a man = 201

In 9/11, two towers became zero before they became one. It's noteworthy to mention that 9/11 was on a Tuesday, and election day always falls on a Tuesday. Tuesday is named after the Planet Mars, which has the 201 in the Jewish Cypher. 

The Jesuit Order = 201

Jorge Mario Bergoglio = 201

The Holy Bible = 201

Inauguration day is  on January 20th, 20/1, which is the 201st day of the nations age. Again 20/1/2025 is 666 months after the moon landing, which took place on the 201st day of the year, July 20th. Trump Jr was also born 201 days into Trump's age. 

Inauguration day and Eclipse day are both on Mondays, Monday of course is named after the moon. The moon landing also took place on a SUNday, relating to the eclipse. The Catholic church and the Jesuits are a Sun worshiping cult. 

Heliocentrism = 201

Obama went to St. Francis of Assisi high school while in Indonesia, who Pope Francis is named after. And of course Trump went to Jesuit Fordham. 

On the topic of the end times and the pope, please look up the prophecy from Saint Archbishop Malachy. 

In the year 1590, he said that 112 popes from then, Roam would be destroyed and the Last Judgment would come. 

112 Pope's from then was non other than Pope Francis, of course. 

The Vatican's birthday is February 11th, 11/2. The Jesuits claim to operate in 112 countries.

Catholicism = 112

Donald = 112

Just think about it all. This boat crash is connected to the Pope and Obama film, which is predictive programing of the next 9/11 which will bring about end times. Trump is so heavily connected to 9/11 as well as 666 and is being used to fulfill the contrived prophecy while Francis is prophesied to be the last pope. I've been saying that the Eclipse will be a sign for the start of major changes in the world. I hope you are able to see what I see and connect what I connect. It makes a lot of sense in my head, and I hope that I am portraying it well. 

EDIT: I just found out that the mayor of Baltimore, Brandon Scott, has the same birthday as the eclipse. Go figure. 


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