The Relationship with Donald Trump, the upcoming eclipse, and 9/11. Plus Israel and current Biblical prophecy unfolding

This is a follow up to my last post about how Donald Trump is such a huge part of the equation in terms of the upcoming world events. I went over his importance to the eclipse/solar system as well as the upcoming election and mentioned the 9/11 parallels. This should be my second to the last post regarding Trump for now. I plan to do my final one about him being connected to Villans/Hero's in Hollywood films. But there is some information I left out intentionally and/or overlooked in the first post. So I will address it here. This post will make much more sense if you read my last post though. So do that if you have not already. 

The first number that's important to the Eclipse is 99. This is simply because April 8th is the 99th day of the Leap Year. 

It's appropriate that it's called the Great American Eclipse

Here's a mind refresher that the last two Great American Eclipses form an X over the United States of America. 

9 in numerology symbolizes completion and the end of a cycle. Interestingly enough, X is very similar in this regard. It signifies the end of something, an entity who's existence is over, past, dead and gone. Its the most negative letter per say. Think about when you get a question wrong in education, you are given an X. 

If you spell out Ninety Nine, you get 129 in the most simple cipher. 

129 is 201 in is Base 8 counting. If you are familiar with gematria, you would understand how 201 is such an important number. In case you're new to all this, think about how in 9/11, two towers became zero, before they became one. 

Lets talk about the 9/11 parallels for a minute. 9/11 was all about the number 68. 1968 was the year the Twin Towers began construction, the year 911 was made the emergency dialing code, the year the lead hijacker was born, the season where the New York Jets won their only super bowl, the year Boeing premiered their Jumbo Jet liner, and a million other things. 

In my last post I showed how Trump was so heavily connected to the numbers 119 and 911 in general that's its almost ridiculous. But 68 is another number that is important in this whole ordeal. 

Donald John Trump = 68

The Apprentice = 68

Anti Christ = 68

The Trump vs Biden rematch is the first in 68 years. 

It also matters to the Eclipse/Solar system. Remember that Trump was born in New York on a Lunar Eclipse date. 

Total Lunar Eclipse = 68

Solar System = 68

Helios  = 68

Planet = 68 

From the Eclipse to Trumps birthday is a span of 68 days. 

'Catholicism' and 'Mathematics' both equate to 68 as well. The Catholic Church and their military order the Jesuits are responsible for the language we are speaking and the calendar we are on. This was established in the 16th century, the same time period where the Catholic church accepted heliocentrism. Remember that the calendar was implemented by the Jesuit priest Christopher Clavius on the 337th day of his age, when 337 is the 68th prime. 

Also, from the eclipse date to the anniversary of 9/11 this year, is 156 days

911 is the 156th prime.

There were reports a few months back, of Trump saying that immigrants were "Poisoning the blood of our country". They repeated it multiple times on the news, and Trump said it several times himself. 

Something tells me that this was orchestrated for a reason.


The other number associated with the eclipse, 9/11, and Trump, is 33. 

The Twin Towers stood for 33 years. Trump's original family name is 'Drumpf'. 

Drumpf = 33

Orange = 33

Lunar = 33

Eclipse = 33

New York = 33

Gemini = 33 (Again, Trump is a Gemini, and Gemini represents TWINS)

Trump also came into his campaign with 33 million dollars.

I briefly touched on in my last post about how some scholars contend that the birthday of Jesus Christ is September 11th, 3 BC. Jesus was crucified at 33 years old. 


September 11th is also New Years Day on the Christian Coptic Calendar. 

Genesis = 33

Sunday = 33

Coptic = 33

This ties into the whole Biblical prophecy narrative going on, especially with the X eclipses. It gets pretty weird. 

In the book of Jonah, the story of Nineveh is written about. God commanded Jonah to go to the nation of Nineveh and warn them about the judgement that was ought to come. In the Bible, Nineveh was a very sinful and wicked land. It is said that a solar eclipse happened over Nineveh when Jonah arrived. 

You may or may not have seen the thing circling around social media that says the Eclipse passes through all 7 cities in the USA named Nineveh. 

This is close, but not entirely true. Now there are only 7 cities in the USA that have the name Nineveh, so when I first saw this I was a little too amazed and had to do some digging of my own. It turns out that only two of the Nineveh's, the ones in Indiana and Ohio, are in the path of totality, or in other words, the only two that will experience the full solar eclipse. The other six cities will only receive the partial eclipse like the rest of the USA. However, with the other five cities in the USA, 4 of them are in states where the eclipse passes over. The other one is in Virginia which isn't too far away though. That said, the odds of this are still a pretty slim. Out of all the 7 cities named Nineveh it's still quite strange how all of them except one are in states that have the path of the eclipse, especially since the eclipse only goes over 12 states. 

In case you are not aware, there are two main shadows during an eclipse, the umbra and the penumbra. The shadow of the penumbra blocks out the sun mostly, but not fully. Meaning the places under the penumbra are mostly dark but not entirely. The other shadow is the Umbra. This is where the Sun is entirely blocked out. The places under the umbra are in the dark area of the eclipse shadow. In this eclipse, the entire United States is under the penumbra, but all the locations within a certain distance of the direct path of the eclipse are under the Umbra. 

Getting back to the biblical city names though, another fact is that during the last total solar eclipse that occurred in 2017, the path of totality passed over 7 cities named 'Salem', short for 'Jerusalem' of course.

The probability of this is a little less crazy because there are 29 cities in the United States named Salem. But again, it’s still very low odds. 

The last biblical city name that's important to note is the city where the two eclipses cross paths. That place is Carbondale, Illinois. This city has the nickname “Little Egypt”.

Illinois = 99, going with the day number of the eclipse 

Little Egypt = 56

Eclipse date has 56 date numerology

Election Day leaves 56 days left in the year 

Washington DC = 56

There were 56 signers on the Declaration of Independence 

Refer back to my last post in which I go over the Sandy hook shooting and the Covid vaccine and how it directly relates to this eclipse. 56 is a central number to the eclipse, Sandy hook, Coronavirus, America, and most importantly the Catholic Church. 

But getting back to the whole Biblical Prophecy narrative, Trump seems to be so central to this all, especially with the current state Israel. But first I want to bring up the fringe cult that sees Trump as a direct descendant of God, that goes by the name ‘Q’, or ‘Qanon’.

This cult popped off during around 2017, and I have zero doubt that it was a psyop intentionally created by the government, made to trick the not-so intelligent truth seekers down a false path

This becomes apparently obvious when look at the gematria, more specifically the Jewish Gematria values of ‘Q’ and ‘Qanon’ 

70 like how he took office at age 70. And of course 201

The Jesuit Order = 201 

The Holy Bible = 201

State of Israel = 201

Heliocentrism = 201

Triclavianism = 201

Q is also the 17th letter going with it coming up in ‘17, and like how modern freemasonry was established in 1717.

Qanon also overlaps with Jesus and Cross

One of the key phrases to this group, one which trump has said many times is the phrase “Calm before the storm”. 

Calm before the storm = 99

Could this Eclipse be the “Calm before the storm”?

I bring this up because it goes with the theme of Trump being a Messiah in the contrived Christian and Jewish prophecy that many are falling victim too. This is mainly centered around the belief of building the third temple in Jerusalem. 

The first Temple in Israel was known as Solomon’s temple. After it was destroyed then the second temple, Herod’s temple, was built on the same spot. Since that got taken down, the Muslim Al-Asqa mosque was built in its place, where it still stands today. 

Now there is much talk that Israel will tear this place down and build the Third Temple on top. There is no doubt that they could easily do this right now if they wanted. But of course, that they are waiting for the perfect date to do the ritual. 

In 2018, an Israeli org minted a coin with Trump side by side with King Cyrus .

King Cyrus conquered the Babylonians which in turn freed the Jews. This caused the Jews to think he was the Messiah, though he was a Gentile. 

King Cyrus is mentioned in Isiah 45, and Trump is number 45. Trump is a gentile but many still call him the first Jewish president. 

The last number, and the one most important to the prophecy in Israel is the number 58. Keeping in mind that Trump announced he was running for the 58th election from the 58 story Trump tower and how he nominated 58 year old Steve Ray on Inauguration Day, notice how all these words have the 58.

Solomon’s Temple = 58

Herod’s temple = 58

Third Temple = 58

Jerusalem = 58

Hebrews is the 58th book of the Bible 

Rosicrucian = 58

Freemason = 58

Freemasonry has a lot to do with Solomon’s temple. King James, author of the KJB, was a Freemason and a Rosicrucian, and he died at age 58.

Back in September Trump was upset that the media didn’t give him credit for releasing 58 hostages, the two months later during the war in Gaza we got news that there were supposedly 58 Israeli hostages freed by Hamas. 

 Spelling out the number gives you interesting values as well.

115 like how Trump took office with 115th congress and the election on 11/5. 61 like ‘Jesus’, ‘Cross’, ‘Christian’, and ‘Christmas’. And of course 47, the number all about government and Trump, who could be number 47. 

Herod’s temple and Solomon’s temple oddly enough fell on the same day in the Hebrew calendar, the eleventh day of the 5th month. The day to remember it is known as Tisha Ba’v 

Also, in November of last year  he was awarded the Torah Crown in Israel. 

As I’ve stated previously, many Christians in America think the building of the third temple will bring about the rapture. Many Jews in Israel think that it will bring about the Messiah. Everything we’re seeing is biblical and it’s not by accident. The cabal is using the Bible as a playbook to contrive prophecy, and many religious people (or just people in general) are falling straight into the trap and getting duped by all the rigged elections. Regardless of what spiritual beliefs you may have, it’s important to realize what’s unraveling amongst our very eyes. It’s all planned way in advance, and is being unfolded accordingly. 

To close off about the eclipse though, I’ve seen many posts on social media of individuals saying that some crazy world event will happen during the eclipse. I personally do not think this is the case. I believe that the Eclipse will mark a sign for major changes in the world to come, with possible war escalation, especially in the Israel area. The calm before the storm, if you will. 


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