Donald Trump is Batman, how the bridge collapse gives us a big clue as what is to come next

Ok so I kept seeing more info about this bridge collapse and I've been thinking about it all day. I realized that many things I have been blogging about recently are heavily connected to the 2012 batman film The Dark Knight Rises. There is so much symbolism and predictive programming in this film and I must break it down and show how it applies to many things unfolding. 

To recap quickly, I previously posted about the Francis Scott Key bridge collapse and the 84 being important to it and how it's a hint at the upcoming eclipse on April 8th, 8/4, which is the same birthday as the mayor of Baltimore. It was Pelosi's 84th birthday who is from Baltimore and it was predicted by the Obama film released towards the end of last year when Obama is born August 4th or 8/4. The film is about a black out fallout situation that occurs after the power grid goes down. At the beginning of the film several depictions of eclipses are shown. 

I have been talking about how the eclipse will be a start of major events unfolding across the world. It is speculated for good reason that the next 9/11 will be the national power grid going down. 

Now the central number number to this ritual is 86. The bridge collapse took place on March 26th, the 86th day of the year. 

Key Bridge = 86

Frederick, Maryland = 86 (where Francis Scott Key is from)

It was 86 weeks after Pelosi shook hands with Singapore's Prime Minister. The cargo ship was Singaporean, and the day was August 1st, which is Francis Scott Key's birthday. And again this crash took place on her own birthday.

Now that 8/1 is matters because Biden is 81 right now and he got 81 million votes, he's from Scranton which runs off interstate 81, and Obama indorsed 81 democrats on 8/1/18. 

But it was also a span of 81 days from Trumps birthday

President Trump = 81 

President Biden = 81

Now Trump fits in here very well with the Batman narrative. But first we must look at the Batman Dark Knight Rises movie which which is all about the number 86. 

I bring the film up because one of the main plot points is about a bridge and the bridge eventually gets blown up towards the end of the film. 

Recall how a football stadium is blown up during the film right after they flash the number 322. Of course 322 is the number important to Skull and Bones in Yale which is 322 years old right now. The Skull and bones video game just got released as well and Yale in the rigged March Madness just pulled off a huge upset on 3/22. It is mentioned in the 33rd episode of the Batman show that Bruce Wayne's grandparents founded Skull and Bones. George bush was a Bonesman and 9/11 happened under him, of course I'm documenting how we could be looking at the next 9/11 quite soon

But take note of how when the stadium blows up the only player to survive is Hines Ward, who wears number 86 and finished his career with 86 touchdowns. 

Bruce = 86

Christian Bale (Batman actor) = 86

Bane (villan) = 86

On the day the film was released there was a shooting at a theater screening the Dark Knight Rises in Aurora, Colorado, in which a 24 year old man named James Eagan Holmes killed 12 people and injured 70, 58 of which were from gunfire. 


Aurora, Colorado = 86

James Eagan Holmes = 86

*This was a tribute for Super Bowl 58, going with the 58 hit from gunfire. Holmes also has the same birthday as Taylor Swift, December 13th. 

Taylor Alison Swift = 104, like how it was the 104th season of the NFL, and the shooting was on the 104 meridian. 

Him being 24 is the biggest deal because Missouri is the 24th state got the 24th playoff win and the Eclipse path forms an X over the USA, when X is the 24th letter and the Super Bowl had the X logo. We are in the year '24 and recall how twitter was renamed to X on the 24th day of the month and the twitter sign was taken down after 24 people petitioned against. Then Musk lost 24 billion dollars when Tesla stock plummeted. Tesla Model X is completed and right now they are talking about "Disease X", which they are supposedly developing a vaccine for despite it not even existing yet. 

The shooting was foreshadowed by the film trailer "Skyfall" that played before the batman film and it showed a building with the word "Aurora" on it.

Skyfall = 86

The original batman was Adam West

Adam West = 86

Heath Ledger portrayed Joker in "The Dark Knight" which was the previous film in the batman Nolan Trilogy. Recall all the parallels with Trump and Joker such as his court case last year being at the same court where the "Joker" scene was being filmed during the same time just before the anniversary of Ledger's death.

Heath Andrew Ledger = 86

Benjamin Affleck is the Batman in the DCU. This is where the Trump part comes in. Trump said he was Batman to a boy in a helicopter at the Iowa State Fair on Affleck's birthday back in 2015 while Ben Affleck was playing Batman. That day was August 15th, (The news didn't break until two days after) which is the Jesuits Order's birthday, who Trump is indeed a part of. Also, it is interesting to note, that this was the only time I ever saw CNN positively cover Trump.

Trump being both Batman and the Joker is an allegory for Order out of Chaos in my view. Create the problem and offer the solution. 

Jesuits = 86

Benjamin Affleck has interesting numbers in 3/4 base cyphers 

In addition to the 86, notice the 112

Donald = 112

Jesuits operate in 112 countries

Vatican bday is 11/2.

Catholicism = 112

Then, several months later, the Batman vs Superman film came out on March 25th, 2016. So the anniversary of this film being released occurred one day before this bridge collapse. 

This was, funnily enough, 9 months and 11 days after Trumps birthday

March 25th leaves 281 days left in the year, and 281 is the 60th prime. This is of course the 60th election, and I will elaborate more on that in a minute

*Also, here's one thing which I discovered that, while possibly coincidental, is interesting nonetheless. That is the fact that when Trump said he was Batman, which again was August 15th, 2015, the news did not cover it until two days later, August 17th. This is eye opening for several reasons. For one, that was the same day the news first broke about Trump wanting to "Build a wall" across the Mexican border. It was also the same day that the military postponed the hearing for the 9/11 suspects at Guantanamo Bay. The 9/11 news catches my eye because from August 17th, 2015, to election day, November 5th, 2024, is 3368 days. 

In case you are new to the truth about 9/11, 33 and 68 were key numbers to that event. The towers stood for 33 years and New York = 33. 9/11 was also a mimicking, or mockery, of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, which I will make a separate post on later. But Christ was crucified at 33. The 68 is important because world trade center construction began in '68, the same year 911 was made the emergency dialing code, the year Bush graduated from Skull and Bones, and a million other things. Refer to my last posts about how synced up Trump is with the numbers 33 and 68, as well as Jesus Christ and 9/11. Trump was elected Nov 9th, the other 9/11 date, and when he wins this election he will take office with the 119th congress, plus much more. 

But August 17th 2015 and November 5th 2024 have 60 date numerology paired with Trump and the Wall story.
Wall = 60

The 58 is of course all important to Trump. Winner of the 58th election that he announced from the 58 story Trump tower. Or the show titled "Trackdown", which features a conman named Trump who tries to con people into his wall, and how that was released in 1958, 58 years before Trump won. 

Bat = 58

Bush = 58 (as in George Bush)

Pope Francis = 58

The next batman film by Matt Reeves is being released October 2nd, 2026, a day with 58 date numerology (10 + 2 + 20 + 26 = 58). I have covered 58 extensively relating to trump and biblical prophecy.  

Robert Pattinson, who is the new batman, is of course, born in '86. 

Trump saying that he was batman reveals an even deeper riddle when you use the Sumerian Ciphers, which multiplies the alphabetic order by 6. 

Remember he said he was batman in a helicopter

Trump is from New York, and Gotham city is New York. New York where 9/11 happened when Trump and this election are heavily synched up heavily with 9/11.

As a mind refresher, Trump announced he was running for this election on November 15th 2022, 666 days after his last full day in office, inauguration day is 666 months after the moon landing (more on that is a second), and Trump was elected in 2016, not far off from 216, where 6x6x6 = 216. The two great American eclipses are a span of 6 years 6 months 6 weeks and 6 days apart when counting the years first, months second, weeks third, and days last. 

The day he hinted that he was running for the 60th election though was July 14th 2022, exactly 60 weeks into the first ever Jesuit ignition year, and the same day that he was faced with 60 cases against him in Iowa, going with the Iowa state fair event. 

Iowa = 60 

Donald Trump = 60

Election day has 60 date numerology

And at the time of me writing this it is said that Trump is selling $60 Bibles, that was announced the same day as the bridge collapse, which was again on the 86th day of the year. The guy with 666 written all over him is selling Bibles? Think about it.

July 14th 2022 was also 2001 days after the day he was inaugurated. I mean, you just cannot make this stuff up. 

July 14th was also the day that Trump's ex wife, Ivana Trump, kicked the can. 

Then, she was buried 6 days later, which of course is July 20th, the anniversary of this film coming out. Now, July 20th is is also the day the moon landing occurred. Recall how I just mentioned that Inauguration day is exactly 666 months after the moon landing. 

Keep in mind, the eclipse takes place on a Monday, and Monday is named after the moon. 

July 20th is also normally the 201st day of the year, the number important to that ever so sinister gang, the Jesuits.

The Jesuit Order = 201

Catholic Pope = 201

Jorge Mario Bergoglio = 201, the first Jesuit pope to stay in suit 201

The Holy Bible = 201

During 9/11, two towers became zero, before they became one. 

The moon landing was all about that 201. 

Neil Alden Armstrong = 201

Buzz Aldrin's birthday is inauguration day, 20/1. 

NASA also loves the 666. 

National Aeronautics and Space Administration = 666

They reported that the first woman in space was there for 666 days. Does no one seriously see through this? 

But in leap years, which 2012 and 2024 are, July 20th is the 202nd day of the year, which is important to the Skull and Bones narrative I was mentioning earlier. 

Skull and Bones = 202

3/22 is 201 days before Yale's birthday.

Keeping in mind that George Bush is a member of Skull and Bones and was there with 9/11, think about how Trump beat his brother, Jeb Bush, in the primary back in 2016. Jeb bush even has the 11/2 Vatican birthday. 
Francis = 119
Vatican = 119
Donald = 119 (Jewish)
Trump elected 11/9 and will take office with 119th congress. Trump is a Gemini which represents twins.

The election, Trump, Bush, New York, 9/11, the Vatican, Batman, the Eclipse, the moon, the sun, the black out, the Biblical Prophecy, the predictive programming. 

All connected. 

The 201s, 666s, 119s/911s, etc etc. There is more I can add but this should hopefully be enough for you to see what I see. Do not live in fear, but be aware of what can unfold in the not too distant future. In other words, don't get caught with your pants down. 

Also, just think about how Batman is essentially police propaganda. Trump seems to love the idea of a police state. At first, most would object to this notion. However, it would be justifiable in the eyes of many if another false flag event is staged, and then blamed on some boogeymen halfway across the world. 

Fraternal Order of Police = 119

Now, another thing I must mention in regard to the movie, is the infamous Sandy Hook Shooting. One of the first major hoax's that gave a big shove to the beginning of the online truth movement. 

I bring it up due to it literally being predicted by the Dark Knight Rises. There was a place on the map named "South Hinkley" that was deliberately changed to "Sandy Hook" in this film and it is even pointed at by Commissioner Gordon once. 

Of course Hurricane Sandy happened in October then on December 14th we got the shooting. They still pay tribute to this shooting frequently. I personally keep getting ads on YouTube of the crises actors saying that I need to give up my guns. If you go back to my first ever post which was on January 1st of this year, I was looking at the connections with Super Bowl 58 and Sandy Hook. Remember that the Super Bowl was on the Vatican's birthday which was also Whitney Houston's birthday (who sang at a previous Super Bowl), which again is 11/2. The 112 mattering a lot this year. 
Sandy Hook = 112
Adam Lanza was born on the 112th day of the year, and he supposedly weighed 112 lbs. 
February 11th is also the birthday of the CIA plant Alex Jones, who was big in the news for denying the shooting. 

But anyways, I said that everyone should look out for something related that day. And while it didn't happen at the Super Bowl, a shooting did take place in Houston, in light of Whitney Houston's birthday.

Houston = 112

Sports Illustrated = 112 (the org that "predicted" the Astros winning the 113th world series three years prior)

There is also a conspiracy that Alex Jones is actually the dead comedian Bill Hicks, who is also from Houston. 

But going back to the Batman narrative and how Trump and the eclipse tie in with it, I have covered previously the ritual regarding the first administration of the COVID vaccine, which Trump doesn't stop bragging about. That shot was given out December 14th 2020, the eighth anniversary of the other shots in the elementary school happening. Of course it had to be the year 2020 going with the 20 year old who killed 20 kids. That day though was the exact half way mark between the two eclipses. 

And adding to all the 666s with the eclipse, Batman, and Trump, who was born on an eclipse, vaccination has that connection too. 

And feel free to research the Clade X simulation that took place 666 days before coronavirus was declared a pandemic. Don't forget that Disease X they're brewing up right now

Disease X = 86

This ritual has more but I and others have gone over it previously. My main objective here is to make the connections with the narratives, so even others who might already know the coding behind the rituals will see something new. Many might be aware of the numerical connections but will miss the bigger picture, and my goal is to point it out, as I believe I am good at connecting the dots.  

But there is one key detail that I haven't seen anyone point out yet, and it goes back to Yale's Skull and Bones. It's the fact that Adam Lanza was diagnosed with mental illness by Yale researchers when he was a teenager. 

It gets weirder when you find out that John Kerry, who was running against Bush in the 2004 election (2004 like 24, and we’re in the year 24) was also a Skull and Bones member at the same time Bush was, and was born in Aurora, Colorado, of all places. George Bush of course, was born in New Haven, Connecticut, which is located very close to Newtown, Connecticut, where Sandy Hook occurred. What are the odds? This should be the ultimate seal of proof that these shootings were heavily related. 

John Kerry = 119 

Kerry was 68 at the time of Sandy Hook and became 68th secretary of state.  9/11 was all about 68. 

Terror = 68 

Skull and Bones allows 15 new members each year

Batman = 15

And finally, in 2008, after the Dark Knight was released, many news articles were saying how Batman represented George Bush fighting the War on Terror

To close out I want to link this twitter post right here that was brought to my attention recently.

I am not an astrological expert, and if someone reading this is maybe drop a comment and educate me a little more on this. I did want to point it out because by looking at the USA birth chart, times look crazy for the date August 6th, or 8/6, going back to the 86. 86 is a number associated with death. Just like how I have been documenting the 9s and the X's this year, which both symbolize completion and negativity. 

August 6th is also the day the Roman Empire fell. In my first post of this series I documented the Pluto return which has Pluto being in the exact same spot on Trump's birthday this year as it was when the nation was founded. The Roman Empire fell after a Pluto return, so I think this is noteworthy and probably not a coincidence. 

The user documented that Mars conjunct Saturn in Aquarius. This just caught my eye because one of the two main themes for the upcoming events are the 9/11 parallels and the current pope. 9/11 was on a Tuesday and election day always falls on a Tuesday. Tuesday represents Mars. 

Keeping in mind that the Pope, 9/11, and the election are all centered around 201, the Saturn fits in perfectly here with the beast symbolism, as the pope is born on the first day of Satunalia. 

Saturnian Order = 201 

Saturn Worship = 201

It is argued by many that Saturn represents Satan. After doing research of my own, I would agree with that sentiment.  

The Aquarius fits in here too because inauguration day is the first day of Aquarius. That is of course is the 20/1 day, and its the 201st day of the nations age. 

Inauguration of the President of the United States = 201

The inauguration and Satan narrative goes with Trump and all the 9/11 and 666s he has, who I simply cannot see losing this election. 

I know this is a lot of information, but again my goal is to get you, the reader, to see the same big picture that I am seeing. I know I've had to repeat a few things but I think it's important to hammer the message down. If you are fascinated by what I am sharing please feel more than welcome to reach out to me or share this with people you know. 

Summary of my point so far: The Eclipse and solar system/astrological alignments are symbolic for the darkness to come upon this nation soon. We can see the next 9/11 in the not to distant future, coupled with the contrived biblical prophecy in Israel and all the Beast/Satanic symbolism right here in front of us with the future president and the current pope. All the predictive programming is pointing to something big. They are also paying heavy tribute to everything surrounding Batman including the Brotherhood of Death and the Sandy Hook shooting. They clearly want us to believe that we are living in the Biblical end times for one reason or another. Perhaps this could be an order out of chaos plan; start a bunch of problems and from then form a New World Order out of the dust and rubble. 


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