2024 World Series observations and how it could relate to current events

 Lately I have been keeping an eye on the latest 9/11 symbolism currently unfolding in the world, and have been looking closely at the state of New York as a result. There are a few other key states in the latest rituals that are noteworthy though, including but not limited too; Connecticut, Colorado, Maryland, Missouri, Iowa, Florida, California, Pennsylvania, and lastly, Texas. In my last post I went into some detail about Texas with the Red Heifers arriving in Israel and how it was synched up to the eclipse. To refresh some memory, the eclipse on April 8th entered the USA in Texas and exited the USA in New York. The two biggest players in this whole ordeal with 9/11 are George Bush, who was raised in Texas, and Donald Trump, who was raised in New York. The hidden parallels with these two and 9/11 are, as I have been documenting, quite numerous to the point of near absurdity. 

We will get to how that ties in later, but this post is about what a think could be the potential matchup/outcome for the upcoming rigged 2024 World Series. I am not advising anyone to make crazy bets, but when I started looking into this I just couldn't gloss over it. 

Keeping New York and Texas in mind, this here caught my eye not too long ago. On March 28th, it was the opening day for the MLB, and the Houston Astros played the New York Yankees. 

The Yankees won 5-4. 

Anyone who has some knowledge about sports decoding through gematria will instantly notice that this is the baseball number. 

In gematria, which is the simple practice of coding numbers into words, you see how in the most simple cipher where A = 1 and Z = 26, both 'Baseball' and 'ESPN' equate to 54.

When you run the alphabetic order in reverse, both 'ESPN' and 'MLB' have the 54 as well.

Then when you run the alphabetic order in reverse with numerology, 'Baseball' again equates to 54.

And of course, there are 54 outs in a complete game. 

Now by itself, this wouldn't be anything to crazy, but once paired with the narratives and other numbers you will see where I'm going. 

The first aspect is the connection to Super Bowl 58, as different pro sports games are often scripted together. 

Super Bowl 58 occurred on February 11th of this year. February 11th can be written 11/2, not far off from 112.

Super Bowl = 112

On that same day, right before the Super Bowl, we had a mass shooting occur in Houston at Lakewood church (Which you can see me make an accurate prediction of in my first ever blog post).

Houston is the only major city with a 112 gematria. 

Game 7 of the World Series this year will be on November 2nd, the other 11/2 date. There is more to this date that will be mentioned shortly. 

The fact that a shooting happened is very noteworthy, because so far, both times the Astros have won the WS, it has been connected to tragedies. 

In 2017 it was all synched with hurricane Harvey and Matt Harvey on the Mets (more on them soon) being the first to pitch in Minute Made park after it opened back up, plus many more things. 

In 2022 it was synched with the Travis Scott ASTROWORLD tragedy that took place exactly 1 year to the day of the Astros winning the world series. The Church of Satan narrative was all central there as that was the Astros' 666th game after Scott released his ASTROWROLD album when Scott has the same birthday as the Church of Satan, and a song of his was played at the game. 

This shooting wasn't as big as the other two stories though, so it is possible that we might see something else come out of Houston before then.

Going back to the Super Bowl date, February 11th is also the Vatican's birthday, so it was only appropriate they did the shooting in a church. Those in control of the Vatican are The Jesuit Order, who claim to operate in 112 countries. 

Catholicism = 112

Mathematics = 112

This relates to Pope Francis, the 266th pope who is also the first Jesuit pope.

From February 11th, to November 2nd, game 7 of the Super Bowl, is a span of 266 days. 

November 11th is also 322 days after the Pope's birthday. 

322 is of course the infamous Yale's Skull and Bones number, order 322, when Yale is 322 years old right now. This number is all important to the Bonesman George W. Bush, who I will get to in a minute. 

On the topic of Super Bowls, the only Super Bowl that the pope blessed was Super Bowl 51 back in 2017. This was hosted by Houston in the NRG stadium. Of course Houston went on to win the world series connected to it. 

Houston Astros = 51

New York Mets = 51

Mets = 51

I believe the New York Mets have a great shot at being the other team in the World Series this year. 

SB 51 took place on Feb 5th or 5/2, like how this will be the Astros' 52nd season, and 52 was synched with the 2017 WS.

The manager of the Mets is Carlos Mendoza, who is from Venezuela. The Superior General of the Jesuits, Arturo Sosa, is also from Venezuela. 

But going back to Super Bowl 58 in regards to Houston, I found it interesting that the annual Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo began after the Super Bowl on February 27th, the 58th day of the year. It then ended March 17th, the 77th day of the year. 

Houston = 77

2024 World Series = 77

Citi Field = 77 (Mets Stadium)

George Bush and Donald Trump are both 77.

George H.W Bush died 77 years after Pentagon construction in Houston.

The Rodeo takes place in NRG stadium, which was formerly known as Reliant Stadium

Reliant Stadium = 58

Citi Field = 58

Bush = 58

This further relates to New York and 9/11. Keep in mind that 911 is the 156th prime number.

The Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo = 156

New York, New York = 156

Houston, TX = 156, 39, 87, 42

The other three values on Houston, TX are all important. 39 is the New York number, the Pope is currently 87 and will still be 87 at the time of the WS, and 42 is all important to Super Bowl 58 being on the 42nd day of the year.

Rodeo = 42

NYC = 42

Jesuit = 42

Keeping 9/11 and George Bush on your mind, Bush will celebrate his 78th birthday on 7/6 this year.

Rodeo = 78

New York = 78

Mendoza = 78 (as in Carlos Mendoza, the Mets coach)

The 76 matters because the coach of the Astros is Joe Espada, who started working with the Astros in 2017 when they won. 

Joe Espada = 76

The last World Series when the Texas Rangers won was all about George Bush and 9/11 as it concluded on the 119th day of Bush's age. Now, if the World Series goes to November 2nd, it will conclude 119 days after his birthday. 

The last part regarding Super Bowl 58 and Texas is the ongoing story of the State of Israel. Again, in my previous post I talk about how huge of a ritual it was that Texas gave Israel the Red Heifers. The Red Heifers will be used for the Third Temple in Israel which is centered around the number 58. Its also interesting that the shooting which happened in Houston was blamed on a Palestinian extremists. 

Solomon's Temple = 58

Herod's Temple = 58

Third Temple = 58

Jerusalem = 58

Freemasonry = 58

Texas is the Lone Star State and Israel is the land of the Lone Star. 

Lone Star = 112

Israel exists largely due to the Belfour declaration. This was signed on November 2nd, 1917, again, the day of game 7 if it comes to it. 

The Belfour Declaration = 119

Francis = 119

Vatican = 119

The last aspect to this is the eclipse/moon landing. Again, the eclipse on 4/8 passed over Texas and exited in New York. This took place on a Monday when Monday is named after the moon. And inauguration day 2025 will be exactly 666 months after the Moon Landing.

New York = 666 (Sumerian)

The last Great American Eclipse was in 2017, the same year the Astros won. The two eclipses were separated by 6 years 6 months 6 weeks and 6 days, and recall how 666 was important to them winning in 2022. 

The Mets also have two WS titles. The first one was in 1969, which is of course, the same year the moon landing occurred. 

Houston is famous for the Moon Landing, and I believe that this will be related to the World Series. 

November 2nd has 57 date numerology

World Series = 57

New York Mets = 57 and 51

Mets = 57 and 51

Moon = 57 and 51

Rodeo = 57

Houston Astros = 51

The name of the Astros Stadium is Minute Made Park which is at the address 501 (51). 

For a couple more potentially noteworthy finds, Joe Espada is 48 years old to go with the 4/8 eclipse.

And a star player on the Mets is Jeff McNeil, who won the Batting title in 2022, is born on the eclipse date. He just turned 32 like how 'Houston' = 32 and they started off by staying on 32 losses with the Yankees. 


Conclusion: While I am not as into the sports as I am the news/politics, I like to point out large narratives when I see them. The main themes in my blog post so far have  mainly been about current world events, the Eclipse, 9/11, Israel, the Vatican, and the 2024 election. These teams seem to have numerous connections to all these and the sports are historically scripted with the news. From my observations I don't think its unreasonable to conclude that both the Astros and Mets will make the world series. As to who I think will win, I would place my money on Houston. The 112 connection being the strongest reason. It's pretty early in the season so this would be a nice payout for a small amount of money. 


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