The Red Heifers coming from Texas and how Biblical prophecy is being contrived before our very eyes.

 You may or may not have heard of the news about the Red heifers recently. It is a huge piece in the contrived biblical prophecy narrative that I have been following. In short, I've been documenting how the return of Donald Trump this year will bring about the Third Temple in Israel, which many Christians believe will bring about the Rapture and many Jews think will bring about the Messiah. What people are missing though, is that this is all contrived by a code, and is not happening organically. 

As it turns out, Red Heifers are red cows that must be completely red, they are not allowed to have any hair of a different color on them, making them extensively difficult to breed. On September 15th 2022 however, the first Red Heifers arrived in Israel, and they were originally breaded in Texas. This is absolutely essential to Israel because they need the ashes of a Red Heifer to build the third temple. The first mention of Red Heifers were in Numbers 19, when the Israelites were commanded to sacrifice one. Again, it is the belief of the twisted psychopaths ruling this world, that one of these cows needs to be slain to bring about the third temple. Red symbolizes blood, just like the excessive bloodshed in Gaza right now. Read more about Red Heifers here

To no surprise, this is all by the numbers. Gematria makes it easy to see through all the contrived news, as they love to leave their mark on all of their stories and actions. Gematria is simply the practice of coding numbers into words, and the English language is carefully encoded through it. Once you learn this simple code you can make sense of all the rituals. Unless stated otherwise, I will use the four base ciphers for this decode. 

Now to start off, lets look at the gematria value of 'Red Heifer' in the four Base Ciphers

All of these numbers are related heavily to the Israeli and Jesuit puppet, Donald Trump. Israel has been giving enormous amounts of praise to him. This includes putting him on a coin with King Cyrus, giving him the Torah crown, and occasionally literally referring to him as the Messiah. Read more about Trump and Israel in my previous post here

But in the most simple cipher, notice it has the 78. Of course Trump will turn 78 on June 14th of this year. 

Orange = 78

New York = 78

New York, New York = 78

Jesuit = 78, and the Jesuit's control Israel. 

Cleveland = 78, and Trump is trying to do what he did as the number 22 and 24, when Trump announced he was running for 24' in 22'. Trump gave his infamous speech in Cleveland, Ohio back in 2016. 

The Illuminati card game has a card that looks exactly like Trump. Titled "Enough is Enough"

The other kind of cards important to Trump are the Tarot cards, as there are 78 of them. Fox news recently had a Tarot card reader who said that by reading the Tarot cards, he can predict that Trump would be president. The top cards in the tarot deck are the Trump cards. There are 22 Trump cards meaning there are 56 non-Trump cards. Of course Trump was declared the winner in 2016 on 56 date numerology, election day 2024 is on November 5th which leaves 56 days left in the year. It is also guy Fawkes day which is a day important to the Jesuits as they tried to assassinate King James with fireworks on that day. Reminding us that Trump is Jesuit educated at Fordham, and preceded a catholic educated Obama who won the 56th election. Of course Biden, who is also a Jesuit, was Obama's VP. 

Trump Tower = 56

Fireworks = 56

Society of Jesus = 56

Pope = 56

Mass = 56

Washington D.C = 56

On the topic of predictive programming, there was a South Park episode released on November 6th 2013, titled "Ginger Cow" which was about the Red Heifer prophecy. This is of course one day after the 2024 election. Subsequently, this leads me to believe that we will probably get an election case similar to 2016, where the winner would be declared 1 day after election day. If that happens then Trump will be declared the winner on November 6th instead. 

Also, Kennedy = 78, and we have another Kennedy in this election who is also a Jesuit and just appointed another Jesuit for his VP. Biden is the second Catholic president after Kennedy. 

In case you are unaware, Melania Trump came out on inauguration day wearing baby blue, just like Jacqueline Kennedy. 

Kennedy was assassinated 60 years ago, bringing us to the next number. There is much more I can add here with Kennedy and this election but I have already expanded on it and will most likely expand on it more in the future. 

The next number in the reduction method is the infamous 60. I would need several pairs of hands to count all the 60s in this election so far. But anyways, this is mainly important because this is the 60th election

Donald Trump = 60

Orange = 60

Wall = 60

New York City = 60

Election day has 60 date numerology.

The 60 rituals all started on the date July 14th 2022, when exactly 60 weeks into the Jesuit ignition year, Trumps wife kicked the can, Trump hinted at running for the 60th election, and Trump faced 60 charges against him in Iowa

Iowa = 60

The Trump hush money case had 60 written all over it. Not to mention that the original Jesuit order had 60 members.

Seventy Eight = 60

The 165 matters as its the ninth tetrahedral number. Tetrahedral numbers are regarding triangles, which is a shape very important to the occult, as seen on the dollar bill.

But 9 matters to Trump because he was elected on the 9th day of the month, and he is number 45. 45 is the 9th triangular, meaning if you add 1-9 together you get 45. Don't forget he was elected on the anniversary of the Berlin Wall coming down. Looking good number nine, looking good.

Berlin Wall = 45

Miami = 45, which is Trump's new home

Mike Pence = 45

Ritual = 45

And for the 48

Donald Trump = 48

Of course if old slow Joe is taken out, Trump will be number 48 as opposed to number 47 if Biden finishes. I believe this is still possible, but with all the recent 47s, I think it is more likely that Biden finishes his term, despite the good riddles for Kamala Harris to be put in. The eclipse just occurred on 4/8, and I'll get to it more in a moment. 

One symbol directly related to the Red Heifer is The Golden Calf. The gematria is another amazing match here as well in all base ciphers.

Lets start with the reverse ordinal value of 239. To sum it up, Trump has the same birthday as the Flag, June 14th. The Flag was sewn in Philadelphia at the address 239 arch street. The USA was 239 years old when Trump won the election. The Church of Philadelphia is also where the letter about the Synagogue of Satan is written too in Revelation. The Synagogue of Satan describes the false Jews, who are called liars. If you have done your research, you will know that Israel is a land of false Jews, and they sure do seem to lie a lot. More on this in a minute. 

Philadelphia = 223

The Synagogue of Satan = 223

Israel-Hamas war began in 2023

The 59 ties in here too because Biden won the 59th election and he was born in Pennsylvania. Kamala Harris is also 59 years old right now. At the time of me currently writing, the media is reporting that Biden is cracking down on Netanyahu. This however, couldn't be further from the truth. Politicians can talk all they want, but the bottom line is that we are still giving over hundreds of millions of our stolen tax dollars to the terrorist state of Israel. This is a true slap in the face to us Americans, because;

1. We are already paying taxes to an illegitimate and unelected government. This is by definition taxation without representation. You might recall how this is what the founding fathers spoke out against. Oddly enough though, this nation never had taxation with representation, even during their time period. Not only were the elections still rigged back then, but only around 1% of people were even eligible to vote. Due to the American propaganda shoved down our throats on a day to day basis, it might be a hard pill to swallow, but America was a corrupt and sinister nation from its very inception. It was a country founded on slavery, genocide, and in general, moral bankruptcy. All of these things are still continuing today. Slavery still exists in the prison system. The government, as well as the citizens, are more dishonest and fake than ever, and we are funding Israel to bomb the hell out of the Gaza strip. Again, this is hard for most to hear, as many do not want to accept the fact that we have been lied to throughout the entirety of our lives. But you must remember that History is just that, HIS-story. Our history is fabricated and made out to be all roses in butterflies, when in reality, it was evil to its core since the start. It is no coincidence that most founding fathers were members of secret societies, mainly freemasonry. It is also not by chance that The Jesuit Order set up camp in D.C, before it even became the capital. Both of these gangs are known for suppressing information and offing those who speak out against them. We must set our feelings aside, and call spades spades. 

And 2, there are so many underfunded communities that could use some of those tax dollars. I could go on all day about all the neighborhoods I have seen which are so clearly underfunded. Poor schooling, poor infrastructure, gangs and police everywhere, drug addictions, etc. It should truly raise some blood pressure, ladies and gentlemen, to know that all of our hard earned billions and billions of dollars are going to other places for all the contrived wars done by numerical rituals, or all of these pharmaceutical industries that create these insanely expensive drugs and "cures" designed to keep us dumbed-down and all reliant on tyrants, all while millions continue to needlessly suffer. This alone should be enough reason to stop all this madness.

But anyways, next is the reduction value of 58. Trump announced that he was running for the 58th election from the 58 story Trump Tower, and he nominated 58 year old Steve Ray on inauguration day. I cover 58 in extension to Trump and Biblical Prophecy here. I recommend you fully read that post as it gives a lot more insight as to what I am about to cover. Basically though, in addition with the Trump 58s, 58 is a number that is key to the building of the Third Temple. Recall how the original temple was Solomon's temple, and the second temple was Herod's temple, which both fell on the 11th day of the 5th month on the Hebrew calendar in different years.

Solomon's Temple = 58

Herod's Temple = 58

Third Temple = 58

58th book of the Bible is Hebrews

Freemason = 58, Freemasonry is largely based in Solomon's temple

Pope Francis = 58

Lastly is the simple English value of 112, which ties into the larger narrative here. 

It connects with Trump, Zionism, and Catholicism. 

Donald = 112

Catholicism = 112

Judaisim = 112

Zionist = 112

The Jesuits operate in 112 countries.

This war is all synced up with Pope Francis, as well as the Superior General, Arturo Sosa. 

It is not by accident that this war takes place when Sosa is 75 and Francis is 87, this is because the founder of the Jesuit order, Ignatius of Loyola, equates to 75 and 87. You can read more about these numbers in this post by Zachary K Hubbard. 

To some, it might sound like a baseless assessment to state that the Catholic Church/Jesuit order is behind all this. So I'll touch on the major aspect of the 112 in a minute, but first let's do a quick history lesson. 

Israel primarily exists because of The Belfour Declaration. This was signed on November 2nd (11/2) 1917. It's goal was to "Establish a national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine. The main man in charge of this was Lionel Walter Rothschild. 

His descendant, Jacob Rothschild, just died at 87. 

Pope Francis, the first Jesuit pope, is currently 87, and I will explain why this matters.

Now, many of those in the "Conspiracy" world point to this as the evidence that it's the Zionist bankers who run the show. 

But they fail to consider that Rothschild literally translates to "At the Red Shield". 

Red Shield of course, comes from the Knights Templar, and in case you do not know, they were the first ever bankers. 

While the Templars were the old military order of the Catholic Church, the Jesuits are the new and improved ones. They created the calendar we are on and the language we are speaking, making all these numerical rituals possible in the first place. 

It is important to note that the Templar's insisted upon being centered on the Al-Aqsa Mosque when they were first formed. Now Israel is trying to tear it down to build their temple on it. It is also speculated that during the crusades, they obtained the knowledge of Kabbalah and shared it with the Catholic Church. While there may not necessarily be undeniable proof of this, it is a pretty reasonable explanation. I mean, how else could they be able to pull off these rituals in plain sight so flawlessly every single day with almost no one noticing?

Lastly, don't overlook how the day the Israel-Hamas war popped off, October 7th, was the anniversary of USA invading Afghanistan back in 2001. George Bush, disgustingly enough, referred to this event as a "Crusade". 

Knights Templar = 85

We were in Afghanistan for 71 days (Catholic = 71) and exited on December 17th, the current Pope's birthday, for further proof that this is done by the Jesuits. Not to mention that Afghanistan's government fell to the Taliban, back in 2021 on August 15th, the birthday of The Jesuit Order. 

Now, the next huge puzzle piece to this whole story is the state of Texas. The Red Heifers were originally bread in Texas before being shipped to Israel. I don't think they could've chosen a more perfect state for this ritual. Texas is the Lone Star State, and Israel is the land of the lone star. 

Now, the first important aspect to this is that Texas is the first state where the eclipse entered, before existing in New York. New York is probably the most crucial state in terms of past and upcoming ritualism that I have been documenting lately, simply due to all the 9/11, Donald Trump, and Batman symbolism. 

But I've been saying how the eclipse is a mark of major change in the world as we know it. So it's already attention grabbing that the state where the eclipse first enters, is the same state that could be majorly responsible for the upcoming end-times Biblical prophecy in Israel with the third temple. 

Recall how on the 60th day of the year both Biden and Trump were at the Texas border. This was 39 days before the eclipse.

Eclipse = 39

Trump was in Eaglepass, which was one of the first cities in the path of totality

Eaglepass, TX = 39

One major number here is 66.

September 15th 2022, again when the Red Heifers first entered Israel, was a day with 66 numerology.

Texas = 66

Al-Aqsa Mosque = 66 (Again, where the temple will be built)

War on Terror = 66

Islamic = 66

The Crusades = 66

Number of a man = 66

Goyim = 66

Greg Abott, the current governor of Texas, and a major Israeli shill, is 66 years old right now. 

He's born November 13th, which is the 317th day of the year. 317 is the 66th prime.

Going back to the eclipse though, you see an even deeper riddle. Abott's birthday leaves 48 days left in the year, recall the 48 gematria of 'Red Heifer' and 'Donald Trump' from earlier. The eclipse was again on 4/8. 

From September 15th 2022, to the Eclipse date, is 571 days.

571 is the 105th prime.

Zionism = 105

Islamic Extremism = 105

What gets really crazy though, is when you find out that Texas was admitted to the union on 12/29. 

From the Eclipse to December 29th is a span of 266 days.

For anyone new, Francis is the 266th pope and arrived in the USA on the 266th day of the year

12/29 is the day that Netanyahu returned to power, after stepping down on June 13th. 1229 is the 201st prime, and June 13th leaves 201 days left in the year. 

State of Israel = 201

The Jesuit Order = 201

Jorge Mario Bergoglio = 201

The Holy Bible = 201

Number of a man = 201

Pulling out the Sumerian Ciphers, which multiply the alphabetic order by 6, Greg Abott equates to 888

It was H.R.888 that affirmed Israel's right to exist.

The gambling group 888 also just recently made the news for laying off jobs in Israel.

In Satanic Gematria, 'The Synagogue of Satan", which is again, what Israel is, has the 888 as well. 

For those unaware, 888 is a number for the Messiah, going with what Israel's goal here is. 

And to top it all off, Sept 15th is a span of 60 days from Abott's birthday. Going with the the 60th election and all the Trump 60s.

The next thing I'd like to get back to is the whole Muslim and crusades narrative. I don't think its by chance that September 15th is the day that the Muslims celebrate the birthday of the prophet Muhammad this year.

What I also doubt is a coincidence, is the fact that Ramadan just so happened to fall on March 10th of this year, which is the birthday of Osama Bin Laden. 

It ends on April 9th, one day after the Eclipse. 

Recently, there was a terrorist attack on Russia blamed on ISIS K on the anniversary of the Arab League being formed.

ISIS K = 68

Terror = 68

CIA = 68

68' was the year World Trade center construction began and 911 was made the emergency dialing code. 

Star of David = 119

The Belfour Declaration = 119

Vatican = 119

Francis = 119

George Bush, Mr. 9/11, is of course from Texas as well, and we just had the 119th world series conclude on the 119th day of his age when he threw the first pitch of the game, just like how he did in 2001. 

There is more to this riddle with George Bush. Such as "Red Heifer" having the 202 in Latin, like how "Skull and Bones" = 202 which Bush was apart of.

For anyone who hasn't figured it out yet, this attack was not done by any Jihadists. In fact, ISIS, Hamas, Al-Qaeda, etc. do not even exist. They never have and never will. It is the governments of all the ruling countries that stage these attacks. With the tyrants trying to cook up a new terrorist boogeymen, it's not unreasonable to assume that another 9/11 might be coming, and they will use it as an excuse to bomb the hell out of the Gaza strip more and build the Third Temple. 

This Texas thing has made me look at a sports team that in my opinion has a very good shot at winning the championship that I will do a decode on soon. (Hint: 112)

Be watchful everyone, and until next time. 


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